Here are some projects that I have worked on! Of course you can find all of my public projects on GitHub


NOAA.NET is a .NET 7 package that makes interacting with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service API a seamless process. Fully build out custom endpoint queries like the one above with the Builder objects. Then initialize the Worker object with the Builder object. Finally, interact with the endpoint to generate a Response. This project is currently in the early stages, but if you would like to take a look at it, you can find it here.


Staffify is an assessment for a company showcasing my web application skills. The web app, Staffify, is a simple yet effective employee management software solution. You can quickly view, add, update and remove employees. Take a look for yourself here.

Super Reliable Calculator

Super Reliable Calculator is a web application that “helps” you perform calculations. This project was primarily created to test out various CSS ideas. It is built on .NET 6 Blazor Web Assembly and hosted on Microsoft Azure. Check out this “helpful” calculator here.

News Scout

News Scout is a command line application that retrieves the latest news stories. Get the latest news or do a search, either way you can read the news without ads or hard to navigate websites. Built on .NET 6. Get a copy here.

Caesar Cipher

Caesar Cipher is a fun application that lets you encrypt and decrypt messages. Share secret messages with your friends by using the same preshared key (offset) to encrypt and decrypt your messages. This is a console application, built on .NET 6. Get a copy here.